
It’s a good feeling to detox every once in a while, especially when you’re an avid drinker.. The detox drink I opted for is very simple to make.  It is a simple “detox water”. The ingredients include:

  • Water mellon
  • Lemon
  • Mint leaves
  • Water



Each of these ingredients are not only tasting but they do contain detox benefits!

Watermelon helps the body flush out toxins because it contains the organic compound citrulline, which is an amino acid that has been shown to help the liver and kidneys filter and get rid of ammonia. Ammonia comes in external forms, but is also a by-product of the proteins our bodies are burning up constantly for energy, and it’s quite damaging to our cells

Lemons helps stimulate and regulate the digestive track (which is why it’s so helpful with constipation, heartburn and gas), stimulates bile production, and thins out bile, which allows it to flow more freely. Bile is produced by the liver and ends up in the small intestine to break down lipids (fats) that we’ve consumed.

Mint leaves are a nice refreshing flavor to add to your drink. On top of that, it can help you digest more effectively, improving the flow of bile from the liver, to the gallbladder, to the small intestine, where it breaks down dietary fats. Mint also helps relax cramped up stomach muscles.


After you have gathered these ingredients cut them up and place into a container of water.  I choose a mason jar because it was big enough to hold two servings. (And I think they’re pretty 🙂 )  For best results leave setting for at least a day so the fruits can really infuse the water for this tasty detox drink!


Let me know if you have any questions, or suggestions! I would love to hear from you 🙂